If the render loop is running fast, they may take no damage on a particular call to update. 如果呈现循环运行太快,那么玩家在某个更新调用上可能不会接受损害。
The FOR loop created too many update SQL statements even we turned on the batch_size. 就算我们设置了batchsize,for循环也创建了太多updateSQL语句。
Some may say Fed Chairman Bernanke threw markets for a loop this past week, but we think markets overreacted to his comments on the first day of his semi-annual economic update to Congress. 某些人可能会讲上周美联储主席伯南克的讲话让市场起了波澜,然而我们认为市场对于其第一天对国会的半年度经济报告的反应过度了。
Compared with the conventional loop subdivision method, as the subdivision matrix can update regularly with the iteration procedure, ours has stronger capability of modeling. 半静态Loop细分方法的细分矩阵随细分次数规则变化,与传统Loop细分方法相比,该方法具有更大的灵活性和更丰富的造型表现能力。